Here are some images from the Jefferies Family photo shoot at a park near their home. It's tricky to get a nine month old to actually look at the camera, but sometimes it's okay when they don't - you can still see their personality!
On Saturday, we went to a beautiful park in downtown Boise for some family portraits. It seems that every time I visit, I never get a shot of Daddy, so this time, I made sure to get some. Got a nice one of Mom too! They love their little girl. Next post will have some family shots.
I recently had the opportunity to visit my daughter, Jillian, in Boise, Idaho. I'm still processing the many images I took while there, but I have finished the "first" part - and wanted to post some of my favorites. Here we see Savannah in her kiddie pool, waking from her nap and her first visit to the park. They're both sweethearts and in the next post you'll get to see her daddy too!
On this visit I shot with all natural light - I didn't even take a flash with me. It's all about finding the existing light and using it. It gets tricky with reflected colors (like in the pool or on the colorful playground) but it can be done!
I grew up in a home where there was a darkroom. One of my best memories of spending time with my Dad was when I got to help in the darkroom - watching prints develop, moving them from developer to fixer to stop solutions. I still have his enlarger and all the chemicals, though it has been a while since I set up the darkroom. Now I shoot with Canon digital equipment and though I've shot professionally for several years, I'm now shooting for pleasure, with the occasional self-project.