I attended with my good friends Nancy and Lisa (pictured from L to R with me on the end) posing with some Vegas showgirls who were at our very last seminar on Thursday morning before we headed to the airport to come home. We're the ones not wearing a fancy headdress. Also rooming with us was my nephews wife, Melissa, but her flight was about the same time as this seminar so she missed the showgirl photo op.

As always, the convention was an overload of incredible talent, images and inspiring and uplifting classes that rejuvenate me for the coming year. I bought a new website, so be looking for that in the near future. I still haven't gone through all the notes and product information I brought home, but I have a lot of great ideas that I look forward to implementing into my business.
I always get a little fun in on these trips and this year I saw David Copperfield perform at the MGM (which was very convenient). We also went to the Venetian and enjoyed the "canals" and a nice dinner. Another evening we checked out the Wynn, which is a beautiful hotel. We always like watching the fountains at the Bellagio, though we did it this year from the comfort of the taxi cab - it was a wee bit chilly to stand outside and our feet were tired from traversing the huge MGM every day - we couldn't face having to actually walk the strip to get to the other end.
I think this was my fourth year attending WPPI and I'm glad I made it there again!