Also at WPPI, I attended a class by some marketing consultants as well as a motivational class by Joe Photo. Both of them have encouraged me to be better about setting goals, not only business but personal. Though I have not actually written anything down yet, as they both suggested, I have some thoughts in my mind about accomplishing specific tasks and am working on them, so I'm happy about that. One of my goals will be to keep the blog better updated. This is a slow time of year for shooting weddings - I'm talking to a lot of clients and setting things up for later, but I'm not shooting much now, so I'm not posting much. I would also like to take on some personal projects as one of my goals.
I'm posting an image from a warmer time of year that I love. This is Mark playing catcher in a baseball game. You have to wait for a while during the game for the dirt and dust to build up in the glove and then wait for a throw to come into home plate that doesn't include another player or referee. When all the stars align, and you're in position, with the correct lens, the correct composition and the correct camera settings, you get what you were searching for.