So, I've been away in Boise, ID for the past week enjoying my first grandchild. Seems amazing that I have one of those, but since she's such a cutie, I guess I don't mind too much! Her name is Savannah and she was born on Sept. 12, 2008 at 11:57 PM. I was privileged to spend the first week of her life with her, as well as take a few photographs. In case you didn't know, it's not easy taking images of a newborn. They are not particularly cooperative, nor are they on a schedule that you can plan around. Luckily, since I was staying there, I could just grab my camera when the time presented itself.
This first image is one I love. Actually, I love all of these... Anyway, one of the challenges I found was getting her to look at me when I was trying to capture her image and here she is - staring right at me!

This next one shows the contrast in size of her feet and her daddy's hands. Babies grow so quickly, it's always a little startling to remember how small they start.

This next one was another fortunate piece of timing. When awake, she loves to look around and I was able to catch her looking at me for once!

This last one was a fleeting sleeping smile. Being a newborn, she can't smile at will, but she would a lot in her sleep, especially when she first fell asleep. Again, I was lucky to catch the fleeting grin on her sweet face.

So I don't get to see her again until Thanksgiving - I guess you'll just have to wait for more. I know I am!